[Baypiggies] New Classes For The New Year

Marilyn Davis mdavis2 at ucsc.edu
Tue Dec 28 19:16:59 EST 2021

Hello Python People,

We offer a "Python For Programmers" course Jan 4 - Apr 5 next year.  Our
new videos are getting rave reviews.  In this class students learn and
practice core concepts, important libraries, and Pythonic thinking.   Our
new videos, with moving diagrams for the difficult concepts, are getting
rave reviews!

For this course, it is best to have some programming experience in any
language.  However, online we have a lot of time to work through the
material.  I have a reputation for answering all questions quickly and
patiently because I really like to help.

Students will have access to videos, other online materials, and the
instructor until Apr 15, 2022.



And, we have a "Python For Data Analysis" coming up Jan 6 - Mar 10: 10
Thursdays 6:30 - 9:30 PM PDT.  In this zoom class students learn and
practice the Python needed to work with Pandas and related libraries to
find the truth using data analysis.


With the miracle tools: Python, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, and Jupyter
notebooks, we go from zero to analyzing data in this short class.  It is
helpful, but not required to know a programming language, and a little
about statistics.


All courses are hands-on with short lectures, and lots of relevant
exercises, and, we study the solutions after some lab time.

Questions are always welcome.

Please come, and send students!

Marilyn Davis, Ph.D.
Python Instructor
UCSC-Extension, Silicon Valley
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