[Baypiggies] This week's meeting: Snakes and Queens!

Jeff Fischer jeffrey.fischer at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 11:36:17 EDT 2020

*BayPiggies meeting this Thursday, August 27, 7pm to 9 pm*

This month, we'll have two talks:

   - Kat Cosgrove - *Snakes on a Car: Or, Over-engineering a Toy*
   - Aaron David Goldman - *Eight Queens in python and rust*

Snakes on a car: or Over-engineering a Toy

Like a lot of engineers, I like to tinker. I also like hardware hacking,
video games, and over-engineering the hell out of something. When my team
at work decided to build a proof of concept demonstrating the possibility
of fast over-the-air updates for edge devices, we settled on using a car as
the example of an edge device. It’s flashy, you know? This also presented
me with an opportunity to do all of the things I love, and call it work:
build a self-driving RC car, and then let people race it around a track
using a repurposed USB racewheel, a handful of open source tools, and whole
lotta Python. DevOps, but make it fun.
Speaker bio: Kat Cosgrove

Kat Cosgrove is a chronic early-adopter of new technologies and a real-life
cyborg. Her professional engineering background is in web development, IoT,
and programming education, but today she's a Developer Advocate for JFrog.
She loves finding creative solutions for hard problems, especially if
they're a little hacky.

When she's not building demos or at a conference, she spends her time
gaming, watching e-sports, and working on useless but entertaining
side-projects. She also volunteers with area non-profits geared towards
getting more women and other underrepresented minorities into tech.
Eight Queens in Python and Rust

Porting a classic interview problem in two languages.
Speaker bio: Aaron David Goldman

Information security engineer, with a history of making tools in python for
monitoring network systems and applications.
Code of Conduct


Interactions online have less nuance than in-person interactions. Please be
Open, Considerate and Respectful. Also, please refrain from discussing
topics unrelated to the Python community or the technical content of the

We will conduct the meeting via Zoom webinar. Please register in advance.
To do so, use this link:
It would also be helpful if you RSVP "Yes" to the meeting on Meetup.com To
do so, go to : https://www.meetup.com/BAyPIGgies/events/272093059/.

Please note that:

   - You are expected to follow our code of conduct.
   - The meeting will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube Channel at a
   later date.

Speak at BayPiggies

We'd love to have more people sign up to speak at BayPiggies - just fill
out this short application:
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