[Baypiggies] Call for Lightning Talks at the 5th Annual SF Python Holiday Party on Dec 4

Grace Law grace at pybay.com
Tue Nov 19 00:17:14 EST 2019

Hi there,

Hope you are as excited about the 5th Annual Holiday Party
<https://ti.to/sf-python/bay-area-holiday-party-2019> on *Wednesday, Dec 4* at
Yelp in SF as we are.

In case you haven't heard the raved reviews, the Holiday Party is the
largest gathering of Python Devs in SF Bay Area outside of PyBay, the
Regional Conference. This year, we will have 8-lightning talks, a *panel
discussion* on Best Practices in *Scaling Python Code Base* with *Brett
Slatkin* (Effective Python Author), *Lisa Roach *(cPython Core dev),
and *Mahmoud
Hashemi* (PSF fellow and organizer of Pyninsula meetup), live music,
raffle, good food, beer, and more...

Please help us make this special evening even better by submitting a 5-mins
lightning talk <https://bit.ly/sfpythoncfp> *by this Friday EOD*! Yes, tell
us about your latest discovery and healthy obsession.  Our preference is
for topics that have a wide appeal. Fun/Light-hearted humor is not required
but encouraged. If we don't have enough good submissions, we will continue
to evaluate late submissions.

Early bird tickets <https://ti.to/sf-python/bay-area-holiday-party-2019> to
this always sold out event is available now.  If you change your mind, you
can always transfer the ticket to someone else. Thanks in advance for
supporting our fundraising effort. 🙏

We are looking forward to seeing you on Dec 4!

Grace Law

PyBay Conference Chair and SF Python Organizer

415-323-0388 / grace at pybay.com

SF Python <http://sfpython.org/> is a volunteer-run organization aiming to
foster the Python Community in the Bay Area. We produce ~20 educational
events a year including PyBay <https://pybay.com/>, the Regional Python
Conference in SF. Learn more <https://youtu.be/EwK04nc4iyI>

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