[Baypiggies] Next week's BayPiggies meeting: Two talks - Omnibus and Clean Architecture

Jeff Fischer jeffrey.fischer at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 12:31:01 EST 2019

*BayPiggies January Meeting*
*Thursday January 24, 2019*
7 pm to 9 pm
LinkedIn, Unify Meeting Room, 950 West Maude Ave, Sunnyvale, CA

Join us for the first BayPiggies meetup in 2019! We will have two talks
this month:

   1. Omnibus as a Solution for Dependency Hell by Aleksandr Kuzminsky
   2. Clean Architecture with Python by Jair Vercosa

Please RSVP at our meetup page:

*Omnibus as a Solution for Dependency Hell*
Packaging Python application has been always been a non-trivial problem.
Omnibus creates a full stack installer that doesn't have dependencies. The
owner decides what Python version the application runs, what modules and
what version it uses. The package installs with a guarantee there are no
conflicts and it cannot break existing environment. Check out how Omnibus
makes it possible and how you can use it in your CI/CD workflows.

*Speaker bio: *Aleks is a MySQL and data recovery expert. He worked as a
MySQL performance consultant in Percona, helped Dropbox manages thousands
of database instances. Now he's been working for Box where he's developing
infrastructure projects. In his free time he's working on open source
projects at TwinDB.

*Clean Architecture with Python*
On August 13, 2012 Robert C Martin released his article "Clean
Architecture". Later on, it became a book with the same name and until
today engineers diverge between loving and hating his concepts. This will
show how to implement it with python using one of the most popular
frameworks for python. Some concepts are simplified to help people to
digest them better and enjoy the development process. It requires you to
think a lot more about your application rather than just trust on
frameworks and libraries that are out there.

* Speaker bio:* Jair is a hands-on startup leader that loves to build
stuff. He dedicated his career to build B2B products developing and
architecting enterprise level software for the last 10 years. Currently he
works as Engineer Director at Carta and manages the Enterprise
Infrastructure team where he has the responsibility to lead the efforts for
Carta's platform.

*Speak or Volunteer*
We are still accepting applications to be a speaker this yer. Just fill out
this application form: https://goo.gl/forms/jH5OE0MSVkPwOTPr2

We are also looking for volunteers to help us organize BayPiggies and
maintain the website, etc. If you are interested, let us know here:

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