[Baypiggies] Please join 250 Pythonistas for our Holiday

Grace Law grace at pybay.com
Mon Dec 2 16:22:15 EST 2019

Hi Baypiggies,

Hope your holiday season has gotten off to a great start.  If you are free
this Wed night *(Dec 4)*, please join 250 Pythonistas in SF for our 5th
Annual Holiday Party <https://ti.to/sf-python/bay-area-holiday-party-2019>!

We will have a panel discussion with Brett Slatkin, Glyph Lefkowitz, Lisa
Roach, Leigh Johnson, Mahmoud Hashemi on *Best Practices in Scaling Python
Code Base*.  As if that's not enough, we will also have lightning
talks, *amazing
food* (you won't find pizza this night), wine, beer, live music and raffle.

Please register now for this always sold out event:
https://ti.to/sf-python/bay-area-holiday-party-2019.  Ticket is $20 each.
We are asking for donations to help cover the operating and admin cost of
producing 20 events year round. However, if you need help securing your
ticket, please write to grace at pybay.com before by 11p on Dec 3. I will be
happy to get you covered if tickets are still available.

If you'd like to volunteer and help with check in, contact Connor Cantrell
at connorjcantrell at gmail.com

Thanks again for making the Python community awesome and hope to see you
next Wed!


Grace (on behalf of the amazing SF Python organizing team)

Event highlights

*LIGHTNING TALKS*👉Amazing Interactive Visualizations with Python + Bokeh -
Christopher Brousseau

👉Python in the Newsroom: How Python Tools Are Enabling Better Data
Journalism - Ben Hancock

👉ML-based code completion tools for Python programmers - Skip Everling

👉Using Social Networks to address the Climate Emergency - Sumeet Sandhu

👉Several people are typing - Jenna Quindica

👉Cython for All with GitHub Actions - Grant Jenks

👉Parquet or PyTest - Santona Tuli

*PANEL on best practices in Scaling Python Code Base*
👉Panelists: Brett Slatkin, Lisa Roach, Mahmoud Hashemi, Leigh Johnson,
Glyph Lefkowitz

Brett Slatkin is a principal software engineer at Google, where he works on
survey and experimentation infrastructure. He is the author of the book
Effective Python. Find him online at https://onebigfluke.com and @haxor

Glyph is the founder of the Twisted project, a blogger at
glyph.twistedmatrix.com, a contributor to various Python infrastructure
open source projects, and a software engineer at Pilot.com

Lisa Roach is a Production Engineer at Facebook and a CPython Core
Developer. She is passionate about Python, and has spent time using Python
on networking and security teams, and now focuses on improving the language
itself and enabling other users of it.

Mahmoud Hashemi is a backend engineer and architect, open-source library
maintainer, PSF Fellow, and Wikipedian, with ten years of experience
building enterprise software. He authored O'Reilly's Enterprise Software
with Python, cohosts the Pyninsula Python meetup group in the San Francisco
Bay Area, and semi-regularly delivers talks on software architecture.

Leigh Johnson is a Staff Software Engineer at Slack, where she builds and
operates petabyte-scaledatastore and cache platforms. She learned a thing
or two about scaling open source Python codebases and communities via her
contributions to Ansible Core, AWX (Ansible Tower), and TensorFlow. Leigh
is recognized as a Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning for her work
with computer vision and neural networks on small devices, like Raspberry

We are excited for the return of Noa Levy, a jazz-rock fusion vocalists.
She has performed for SF JAZZ and local jazz clubs such as Cafe Claude and
Zingari Ristorante & Jazz Club

More info about the event logistics at the registration link:

**This event is produced by*
SF Python, a volunteer-run organization aiming to foster the Python
Community in the Bay Area.

A portion of the food and drinks is through the generosity of our venue
host Yelp, the rest is funded by your donations.

Yelp sees 89 million mobile users and 79 million desktop users every month.
Keeping everything running smoothly requires the best and brightest in the
industry. Their engineers come from diverse technical backgrounds and value
digital craftsmanship, open-source, and creative problem-solving. They
write tests, review code, and push multiple times a day. Come out and talk
to them.

Grace Law

PyBay Conference Chair and SF Python Organizer

415-323-0388 / grace at pybay.com

SF Python <http://sfpython.org/> is a volunteer-run organization aiming to
foster the Python Community in the Bay Area. We produce ~20 educational
events a year including PyBay <https://pybay.com/>, the Regional Python
Conference in SF
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