[Baypiggies] FYI Only: I will pay $89.94 for MeetUp on 28-Jul

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Sun Jul 16 14:57:42 EDT 2017

>I find the service invaluable for BAyPIGgies.... I've been too lazy 
>to apply for any kind of re-imbursement from the Python Software Foundation).

I once held the Baypiggies.net domain name 
The cost was $9.95/year, even more insignificant than MeetUp.

Cost was not all that big a deal to me either.  The issue is 
continuity.  I was very active at one time.  That time is now 
past.  The BayPiggies domain name was in my name, with my credit card 
on file, and only I had the password.

Placing the domain name under control of PSF was helping to insure 
that whoever ran the organization could control their own domain name.

Let me ask if an invaluable service should similarly be "owned" and 
paid for by PSF, not merely re-imbursed.  They may not want it (dunno).

thanks for your stellar efforts, Dennis

Dennis Reinhardt
DennisR at dair.com
1-855-324-7835 toll free
1-650-494-7081 local 

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