[Baypiggies] How to download all my Meetup activity for 2012, 2013 from Meetup API?

Stephen spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 17 08:25:15 CEST 2014

Anyone have tips on the doing the following in Python?
I want to download all (past, historical) Meetups I either attended or waswaitlisted for, in all (81!) Meetup groups I subscribe to (or at least a large subsetof them), for all of calendar 2012, and then all of calendar 2013.I then want to filter out selected Meetup groups, and reassemble the rest by dateinto one big CSV file for 2012, and another for 2013.Ideally for each event it should list date, group, title, time, location of meetup.
Meetup have a Python API . This wrapper though is not useful:https://github.com/meetup/python-api-client
I also see this code out there from our NYC brethren:https://github.com/NYCPython/nycpython.com
Short of splicing together all the pages for 65 groups * 12 months * 2 years,and reordering by date, any ideas?
Thanks in advance,Stephen
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