[Baypiggies] SF Meeting?

Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder Web at StevePiercy.com
Tue Oct 23 02:00:54 CEST 2012

On 10/22/12 at 5:36 PM, tony at tcapp.com (Tony Cappellini) pronounced:

>>Could you expand on that?  From my POV, there's no reason we can't have
>>"BayPIGgies SF" meetings using this same mailing list and website.
>>There could also be "BayPIGgies East Bay".
>1. The website is not setup at the moment to support multiple groups.
>I don't have time to make those changes, and I don't want to have to support
>multiple groups. Finding speakers each month isn't fun.
>Other's need to get involved finding speakers for any splinter
>groups, updating the website
>and managing the list. Others need to get involved to maintain the
>site too. Bill Deegan
>has been handling this for a long time. Plone is a pain to work
>with and maintain, he's the
>only one who has shouldered that burden. We've talked about
>dumping Plone for a decent
>CMS, but haven't arrived at any decision yet.
>2. Multiple groups on one list is just a recipe for confusion.
>New groups, new sites. It's that simple.

Or do what PyLadiesSF does: one umbrella group comprised of 
multiple individuals who each lead various interests using 
Python at multiple venues around the Bay Area.  Few of their 
events are speaker presentations, and most provide opportunities 
to sprint on projects, write code, learn Python programming, and 
socialize.  (Lynn Root may correct my perception if I have 
misrepresented them.)

Is BayPiggies open to holding events other than monthly speaker presentations?


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Steve Piercy               Web Site Builder               
Soquel, CA
<web at StevePiercy.com>                  <http://www.StevePiercy.com/>

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