[Baypiggies] SF Meeting?

Bryce Verdier bryceverdier at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 00:34:28 CEST 2012

On 10/21/12 10:18 AM, Aahz wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012, Simeon Franklin wrote:
>> tl;dr - I want to move at least some meetings up the penninsula and
>> reach more Pythonistas. I want to know if there is any strong
>> community opposition to this idea.
> My impression is that the SF meetup was large enough and the current
> BayPIGgies meeting is large enough that I think it makes more sense to
> not "move" but re-activate SF (or upper peninsula) meetings, preferably
> avoiding cross-scheduling so that people who want to attend both can do
> so with minimal pain.
> I agree that more cross-pollination would be a Good Thing.
> Side note: I'm acting as a community TA for the current coursera.org
> Introduction to Python.  As of Thurs noon PDT, there were 72K people
> signed up, with 6K people having completed the first project.  That's a
> *lot* of potentional Pythonistas and I think more and more geographical
> distribution is an Excellent Thing.
I agree with Aahz. Reactivation makes more sense to me than moving 
location. I also like the idea of having it on a different week or day 
so that people can attend both is they want.


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