[Baypiggies] December 2012 Baypiggies meeting

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Sat Nov 17 02:02:20 CET 2012


   I'm putting myself on the hook to talk about virtualization -- and how python plays a big role in much of it.

   I'll cover things like typical BSD jails (a type of virtualization) to virtualenv (a python equivalent of the same thing (sort of)) to basic virtualization on the desktop (I.e. the qemu, VirtualBox, VMware player, etc) to para-virtualized machines to the xen and current popular KVM virtual machines (and discuss libvirt along the way).

I'll end up with a talk on current bleeding edge concepts where things really take make things run faster and cheaper (almost the opposite concept to the qemu, virtual box, etc we previously discussed). And, I'll throw the shameless plug in for ECP (the product my company makes) at the end.

I've been stewing on this talk for over six months (almost a year) -- even before I work at my current company -- and it still isn't done.

This will set a fire under me if there's an adequate enough demand for it. I may also rope in a few other BayPIGgies members who work for other virtualization companies.

This first talk will be a high level survey of concepts and nomenclature. I will go deep in a few areas (like virtualenv and virtualenv wrappers) since they're written solely in python -- but, since I am so far from an expert and its a lot of material -- it'll be more like Charles Merriam's previous talk on the nomenclature of all the different Python web frameworks that is out there.

What do you think?


On Nov 16, 2012, at 7:45 PM, Tony Cappellini <cappy2112 at gmail.com> wrote:

> As the holidays approach we are also closing in on the final
> Baypiggies meeting for 2012.
> As bleak as the prospect of finding presenters each month seemed in
> January of this year, we've managed to find presenters for the entire
> year.
> Remember to update your calendars, the December meeting will be held
> on Dec 13th.
> That said, we have an opening for the December meeting.
> If you would like to do a presentation or know someone who may be interested,
> please post your suggestions to the list ASAP, and avoid the holiday rush!
> Thanks
> Happy Holidays!
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