[Baypiggies] Ye Ol' Cheeseshop Question...

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Tue Mar 8 02:29:00 CET 2011

I am trying to automate the installing a new virtual environment with 132
different packages on a regular basis. Instead of installing from PyPi every
time, I want to install from installed packages previously downloaded. For
example, this package has been used in this environment:


But, what is currently available from PyPi is boto-2.0b4.tar.gz.

Pip seems to get this right somehow by just doing a pip install boto==2.0b2.
I have inherited these packages and have no control over what is currently
"tested" (otherwise, one can say -- just download the 2.0b4.tar.gz file and
keep using it). This was all just handed to me.

Can I tell pip to just download the files for installation, but don't try to
install yet.

I ultimately want to install from the files that are distributed so that
every installation is exactly the same (and so we don't rely on PyPi for the
source at every single installation). For this package, I just want to do a:

pip install boto-2.0b2.tar.gz (but I need to get the file from somewhere).

So, in summary, how do I download an exact version from PyPi (I can't see
how to do it from a web interface)...


Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter

-- Goethe
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