[Baypiggies] PyCon Roll Cal

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 1 18:10:52 CET 2011

>From: brent.tubbs at gmail.com 
>Funny that some of us bay area pythonistas have to fly across the
country to meet each other. :)

African swallow or European swallow?

Personally not sure whether I can make it.
It might be good for those attending to start a wiki about who plans to attend what,
to maximize coverage between BayPIGgies.
As to bringing back proceedings in hardcopy form to resell, we know from
previously that many of us are interested and would pay say $25, but I guess
that's a lost cause. Still it wouldn't hurt to ask the organizers yet again.

PS anyone interested in carpooling from southbay to Thursday's Yelp PyPy talk 6pm?
(I can't make Wednesday's Stanford talk)


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