[Baypiggies] How to store versioned objects

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 00:12:01 CEST 2011

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Max Slimmer <max at theslimmers.net> wrote:
> I have an application where the user creates and saves business
> objects in a database. The objects are like invoices, header and
> detail lines possibly some other attachments. When the object is saved
> I want to create a version, and then should the user make changes I
> would save these as a subsequent version such that when I retrieve the
> object I normally get the latest version (along with some version id).
> If the user desires he can get a specific previous version or see
> history of changes including by who and when they were made.  Keep in
> mind that these objects are not very large, like an invoice :-).
> Do you know of any libraries that might help with this. I suppose I
> could use some version control system and a mechanism to name the
> object and possibly store some of the meta data in db.

>From what I can tell, this is usually done manually by creating a
schema to keep all the various versions of data.  I know the data
warehousing guys have something that I think is called a star schema
that keeps all knowledge and when the pieces of knowledge were
acquired.  I'm not at all surprised to hear about django-reversion,
because I know there are similar plugins in the Rails world.  I think
once you understand the schema, it should be straightforward to

Best Regards,

In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things
with great love. -- Mother Teresa

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