[Baypiggies] Job post - ShopKick

Fadi Bishara Fadi at shopkick.com
Fri Sep 24 01:59:53 CEST 2010

Shopkick is looking for a Server-Side Engineer to write the logic that
powers web and mobile services, informed by a thoroughgoing knowledge of
infrastructure, scalability, and performance.

   - Design, implement, benchmark, and deploy simple, elegant,
   high-performance code.
   - Create scalable infrastructure supporting rapid expansion.
   - Design and implement flexible APIs supporting location-based services
   from smart phones.


   - You have a thoroughgoing understanding of server-side engineering for
   web sites, using open-source software stacks.
   - You are a creative thinker, with a knack for finding the simple "right"
   answer, in an extensible way.
   - You like to develop code in an "agile" development, working closely
   with product and the rest of the engineering team throughout the development
   - You are comfortable with database design and querying, preferably
   MySQL: you know the trade-offs in schema design, you're not the kind of
   person who delegates all queries to an ORM, and you know (and care) what is
   - You have worked on projects that have "scaled big." You automatically
   think about distributed systems. It's likely (and desirable) that you were
   there for a lot of growth, and you've got some scars from scaling that have
   taught you how to approach scalability.
   - You understand the underpinnings of large-scale distributed systems,
   including communications mechanisms, caching technologies, etc.
   - You have experience in API design, and RESTful services are second
   nature for you. You're also comfortable with binary wire protocols, and know
   when to prefer one over the other.
   - You have been exposed to service-oriented architectures. You're
   comfortable with the idea of combining data from various sources on the fly,
   and with figuring out how to get it fast.
   - Since you care about scalability and are something of an out-of-the-box
   thinker, it's likely that you have extensive experience with non-relational
   data stores as well (Sleepycat, BigTable, Cassandra, etc.).
   - You have an unusually comprehensive systems-level understanding of web
   services. You can think backwards from an SLA to figure out what types od
   redundancy are needed and how to provide it inexpensively, using open-source
   - You are sensitive to performance issues and routinely instrument code
   and address bottlenecks with appropriate data models, algorithms, tools, and
   - You are the sort of person whom your peers naturally gravitate toward
   and look to for expertise when they are lost. You like to code, but you are
   also a leader.


   - At least four years' experience writing distributed, high-volume web
   - Familiarity with several open-source application development stacks.
   - Facility with SQL query analysis.
   - BSCS or better, or equivalent experience.
   - Experience with service-oriented architectures, such as Thrift,
   ActiveMQ, etc., strongly preferred.
   - Experience designing APIs preferred.
   - Expertise in Python a strong plus. Pylons is an added bonus.
   - Exposure to enterprise systems in a previous life a plus.

To apply send your resume to
jobs at shopkick.com<https://mail.google.com/a/techventure.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=jobs@shopkick.com>
Server Side Engineer in the subject line.
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