[Baypiggies] Anyone have any experience with OpenERP?

Craig Smith craigfrazersmith at gmail.com
Mon May 24 18:03:23 CEST 2010


    There's an open source project / product called OpenERP[1] that is
an "Open Source Management Solution."   It may be based on something
called Open Objects, it may have grown out of a project called Tiny
ERP.  It is certainly Python based and it makes some grand claims
about it's installed base.  Has anyone here ever used it?  I'm trying
to decide if it would make sense for the small manufacturing company
where I work, but before I dive into the mailing lists, archives and
source code I was wondering if anyone has a 50,000 foot view of the
project.  Thanks.


[1] http://openerp.com/

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