[Baypiggies] Follow-up: Events past and present

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Fri May 14 02:57:38 CEST 2010

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 7:27 PM, wesley chun <wescpy at gmail.com> wrote:

> hey glen,
> great job in organizing these events... even if they didn't/haven't
> turned out the way you originally envisioned.

I think the events turned out okay. My problem is I want them to be
"brilliant" (or at least better than they are now) and not just okay :)

 i have some suggetsions

> regarding the below:
> > Introduction to Python (beginners):
> if you're going to table this to Oct, you might as well propose this
> as a session at the silicon valley codecamp:
> http://siliconvalley-codecamp.com ... submissions are open, even if
> it's only May.

I reviewed Code Camp. This is *brilliant* Their philosophy of free and never
during a work-day -- exactly the philosophy I've been trying to follow. I
really like that they gave suggestions to the presenters:


I don't see how to submit a presentation, but I'll work on it. And, this
should be enough time to plan for in October.

dave brichetti does a kids version of this class... perhaps you can do
> an adults' version.
> i usually do a faster-paced intro to python, but i can tweak it to not
> steal your thunder and can offer completely unrelated topics as well
> (Office programming, Python 3, etc.)

Actually, if you're doing this course, I can do Django only -- and, since
it's my first time presenting there, it's better not to bite off more than I
can chew.. I usually keep my mouth too full anyhow.

If you do the Python course, can we make it a prerequisite for the Django

> > Introduction to Django:
> same as above... do it at CodeCamp. i think after the Python session,
> you'll find ppl ready to hit web dev right after. :-)

Excellent :)

Possibly we can review material and make certain it's complimentary...

If you're doing both a Python and Django presentation, I'd be *very* happy
to do a subversion course....  It seems more applicable to the crowd --
(everyone needs source control of some kind -- regardless of which language
they write in)....


Whatever you can do or imagine, begin it;
boldness has beauty, magic, and power in it.

-- Goethe
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