[Baypiggies] Newbie: Deployment tools?

Simeon Franklin simeonf at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 01:40:43 CET 2010

Fabric is the more capistrano-ish tool if all your looking for is scriptable
deployment. Buildout does more but it seems more "magic" to me and imposes a
bit of structure on your project. Fabric on the other hand is pretty much
just a quick way of creating command line tools that do 3 common deployment
tasks: run local commands, use ssh to move files, and run remote commands on
the deployment target. I found fabric much easier to wrap my head around and
it satisfied my (limited) deployment needs. YMMV!

Simeon Franklin

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Kimball Bighorse <kbighorse at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Working on a Twisted Web app coming from a Java/Ruby background, used to
> Capistrano for Rails deployment.  Looking at zc.buildout and fabric for
> deployment, any opinions or other options for me to investigate?
> Gratefully,
> Kimball
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