[Baypiggies] If a picture is worth a thousand words #pycon is worth 6918 tweets.

Craig Smith craigfrazersmith at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 01:36:38 CET 2010


I was following pycon on twitter this weekend and realized there was no 
way I could keep up with all the tweets going by. Also a twitter 
robo-troll (welcome to the future) was irritating me more than it should 
have. So yesterday I downloaded all the #pycon tagged tweets and pulled 
out just the ones that had been retweeted by other people figuring those 
were the most interesting. My theory is that the more something is 
retweeted the more interesting it should be. Without further ado the top 
10 tweets of #pycon 2010 were:

10 - RT @gvanrossum: tinyurl.com/pypyslides #pycon #pypy
10 - RT @VanL: The first video from #pycon 2010 just hit 
11 - RT @dabeaz: Understanding the Python GIL Slides and demo are up. 
http://www.dabeaz.com/GIL #pycon
12 - RT @mpirnat: "Postgres is available if you need a database; MySQL 
is available if you don't." -- Brandon Rhodes at #pycon talk
13 - RT @gvanrossum: BDFL etiquette: Saying hi shaking hands: yes. 
Photo-op: no. Friendly chat: yes. Idea pitch > 15 seconds: expect me to 
get rude. #pycon
16 - RT @spyced: "What every developer should know about database 
scalability" #pycon slides aka the case for #nosql: http://bit.ly/96fFZ0
16 - RT @gvanrossum: Test your web apps with Ping's scrape.py: 
http://bit.ly/dhQdx6 #pycon // looking freaking great
23 - RT @voidspace: YouTube is the second largest search site on the 
internet and is pure Python. #pycon
47 - RT @gvanrossum: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Packaging - 
http://guide.python-distribute.org/ #python #pycon
63 - RT @gvanrossum: Unladen Swallow is a go! #pycon #python

-Craig Smith

p.s. These numbers are fairly accurate, but I'm not going to guarantee 
that my regex caught all the retweets perfectly and I didn't handle 
retweets of retweets well. This was afternoon goofing off with Python, 
not production code. Caveat emptor.

p.p.s More fun with numbers:

Total tweets tagged #pycon from Wednesday morning-ish to Sunday 
afternoon-ish: 6918
Number of unique usernames making those tweets: 1268.
Number of retweets (a subset of the total number) 1304.

Most retweeted people with counts:

(u'DanielMcGraw', 9)
(u'annaraven', 9)
(u'bradallen137', 9)
(u'dhdspeech', 9)
(u'ieure', 9)
(u'tsaylor', 9)
(u'Matt_Wilbanks', 10)
(u'jeremyhylton', 10)
(u'tarek_ziade', 10)
(u'joestump', 11)
(u'djangopony', 12)
(u'holdenweb', 12)
(u'pydanny', 12)
(u'activestate', 13)
(u'natea', 13)
(u'dabeaz', 14)
(u'ericholscher', 15)
(u'raymondh', 15)
(u'jessenoller', 17)
(u'justinlilly', 17)
(u'VanL', 20)
(u'garnaat', 20)
(u'johnderosa', 20)
(u'spyced', 22)
(u'mpirnat', 26)
(u'jacobian', 31)
(u'voidspace', 65)
(u'gvanrossum', 191)

People who made the most tweets tagged #pycon:
(u'gsiegman', 41)
(u'kevbo', 41)
(u'lukesneeringer', 41)
(u'b3ng0', 42)
(u'griggheo', 42)
(u'mpirnat', 43)
(u'wescpy', 43)
(u'bitprophet', 46)
(u'swheatley', 46)
(u'alfredodeza', 47)
(u'jessenoller', 52)
(u'voidspace', 52)
(u'petrillic', 54)
(u'alex_gaynor', 55)
(u'ryazwinski', 55)
(u'edleafe', 57)
(u'kcunning', 57)
(u'roachmj', 57)
(u'joshourisman', 58)
(u'offby1', 58)
(u'elpargo', 68)
(u'benjaminws', 70)
(u'pydanny', 71)
(u'mikemaccana', 81)
(u'dhdspeech', 83)
(u'annaraven', 86)
(u'PyconPads', 88)
(u'johnderosa', 97)
(u'twatotron', 185) <--- The irritating Bot.

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