[Baypiggies] PyGameSF meetup Wednesday Febrauary 17th 6pm @ Stong room Main San Francisco Public Library

Harry Tormey slander at unworkable.org
Tue Feb 2 19:54:09 CET 2010

Hi All,
The February PyGameSF meet up will be at the STONG conference room on the first floor of the main San Francisco public library beside civic center
BART. The library closes at 8pm so we will reconvene to frjtz on hayes street for dinner/drinks afterwords. This month's presentations are:

* Shandy Brown : Structuring Your Game's Code.
  One approach to designing video games with a focus on rapid development and networked multiplayer capabilities.  Shandy Brown will highlight key   
  ideas in his tutorial (http://ezide.com/games/writing-games.html).  Fundamental topics such as event-based design, defining your game model, and
  separating the model and the view will be covered.

* Warren Stringer Tr3: A Tablet Ontology.
  Warren will be demonstrating Tr3 (pronounced tree), a media performance ontology that connects Human gestures to device interfaces, such as the 
  iPad. Tr3 was designed for the novice, programmer, and designer. A novice will use Tr3 to orchestrate interactive media. A programmer will use Tr3 
  to wrap real-time APIs around their preferred language. A designer will use Tr3 to iterate through many user interfaces.

  Tr3 was started in 1998, as a patch bay for a synthesizer that used a variety of input devices to create visual music. The favorite device is a 
  tablet, which was put in the hands of all age groups with universally mesmerizing results. Tr3 has been re-written to focus on multi-touch 

  Tr3 consists of a namespace, auto-scaled types, tree decorators, event observers, recordable sessions, code wrapper, ontology viewer, and a 
  plug-in architecture for selling performances. An overview can be ound here: http://muse.com/tr3

  Since this is a PyGame group, Warren will be demonstrating how Python reads in theTr3 definition and spits out a language parser in either Python 
  or C++. Depending on availability, Warren will demonstrate a Tr3 wrapping a tablet based visual music synthesizer.

PyGame SF is an informal group meet up in San Francisco for Software engineers interested in python, OpenGL, audio, pygame, SDL, programming and generally 
anything to do with multimedia development. The format of our meetings typically involve several people giving presentations on projects they are developing 
followed by group discussion and feedback.

If anyone else would like to give a micro presentation, show demos or just talk about what they are doing or generally give examples of any
relevant software they are working on please feel free to head along To subscribe to the pygamesf mailing list simply email:

pygame-sf+subscribe at unworkable.org

Harry Tormey
Co Founder P2P Research
Founder PyGameSF
Software Engineer Digidesign

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