[Baypiggies] FWD: OpenHatch: Find ways to contribute to open source (including Python itself)

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Tue Apr 13 16:28:20 CEST 2010

----- Forwarded message from Asheesh Laroia <asheesh at asheesh.org> -----

> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 16:47:08 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Asheesh Laroia <asheesh at asheesh.org>
> To: python-announce-list at python.org
> Subject: OpenHatch: Find ways to contribute to open source (including Python
> 	itself)
> Reply-To: python-list at python.org
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.python.announce
> Hi all! I'm happy to announce the new version of the OpenHatch volunteer  
> opportunity finder.
> Volunteer opportunity finder
> ----------------------------
> Looking for a way to get involved in open source, but don't know where to 
> start? Try browsing bugs in the OpenHatch volunteer opportunity finder:  
> https//openhatch.org/search/
> At PyCon, I led an open space where some of us tried finding things to  
> work on. We found "easy" documentation bugs in Python, and wrote up  
> patches. Within a few weeks, our patches were comitted to the Python 
> core.
> Contributors to hundreds of projects (including Python itself) label bugs 
> as good for new contributors. Those bugs are an opportunity for you to  
> find a new project to contribute to in open source, so try browsing them  
> at https://openhatch.org/search/?q=&toughness=bitesize
> Do you run an open source project? You can add your project to our index  
> by clicking "Add a bug tracker." If you want to get new contributors more 
> easily, try tagging bugs in your bug tracker as "bitesize."We're always  
> looking for more projects to include in our crawls.
> About OpenHatch
> ---------------
> We're a website for helping people find ways to get involved in free, 
> open source software. We also run a profile engine where you can tell 
> your story in open source, emphasizing all the ways you've been involved 
> in projects. (Successful open source projects take more than just code!)
> For more info
> -------------
> Keep in touch by:
> * Joining #openhatch on irc.freenode.net
> * Replying to me and getting on our announcements list
> * Subscribing to @openhatchery on Twitter/Identi.ca
> * Reading our blog at https://openhatch.org/blog/
> Or grab our source code: https://openhatch.org/source-code-etc/
> -- Asheesh.
> -- 
> ... bacteriological warfare ... hard to believe we were once foolish
> enough to play around with that.
> 		-- McCoy, "The Omega Glory", stardate unknown

----- End forwarded message -----

Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"It is easier to optimize correct code than to correct optimized code."
--Bill Harlan

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