[Baypiggies] Chompapps Position - from Issue 31

Seth Friedman sfseth at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 04:28:25 CET 2009

+1 from me.

In my interviewing I *aggressively* sleuth for places that run as rockstar
kind of places (rather than collaborative / team / interteam oriented).   I
fail at that sometimes, maybe because there's a mix of thinking, or
companies are better at hiding their thinking than this post, whatever the
reason.   As I'm in a role entirely dependent on other teams, my team's
output is information, "rockstar" culture is precisely what I look for not
being there.  Most job posts are more careful about hiding it.

My first opinion of this job post is the one I still have: the company self
selected itself out of the pool of "top" potential employees, by my wholly
biased view on the topic.   If they think they're going to take over the
world because they aced some classes and convinced some people out of a
couple million bucks, good for them.   In my view that's not sufficient
model for a successful company, by whatever definition of success, maybe my
judgment is just "a place I want to work".


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 8:16 PM, RYAN DELUCCHI <bender at onsrc.com> wrote:

> And while we are on the collective soap-box, I am just put another one out
> there:  Anyone who says they are looking for a "rockstar" programmer can
> just forget about ever hearing from me.  I realize that this may seem to be
> kinda cute, from the surface.  But, I'm frankly insulted by the notion that
> to in order to be highly skilled software engineer: one has to be "cool"
> enough (hence, said engineer would be deemed a "rockstar").
> Just as I lament the fact that the media has reduced title of "hacker" to
> that of a criminal.  It angers me to see the (what I believe to be a rather
> beautiful) craft of software engineering be reduced to that of some lame pop
> icon.
> Anybody with me on this one?
> Ryan
> On Oct 26, 2009, at 7:54 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
>  Jeremy Fishman wrote:
>>> Not sure how that might/might not apply to you, but I would be more
>>> careful.  It's also just plain insulting to some.
>> Indeed. I was insulted by the "young" and put off by the "aggressive".
>> What happens when you put several aggressive types in a pit together?
>> Aggression is to be avoided or circumvented at all costs, in my book!
>> Good luck finding young aggressive python coders that are also smart.
>> Paul
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