[Baypiggies] Bioinformatics Python Programmer

Jeff Younker jeff at drinktomi.com
Fri Oct 9 23:15:57 CEST 2009

I don't know if I expressed enough interested before, but yes, I'm  
interested in applying.  I can answer all the questions on your list.

Although it's been many years since I was in the biological world, I  
do have the background.  I was on my way to a double major in both  
mathematics and biochemistry, but left school with a very large minor  
in bioch.  I spent a year as an undergraduate doing three dimensional  
reconstructions of molecules from electron micrographs.  So, yes, I do  
have the background, and I'd love to move more in that direction.  It  
would also be a lot of fun to work with you.

My resume is attached.


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