[Baypiggies] 3 tickets left at 50% off for Develop & Deploy: Django - ends Sunday

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 04:13:09 CET 2009


Get in on the Early, Early bird special and save 50% off a 5 day course led
by 2 developers that are active in the Django community (see the instructor
bios and the Syllabus for more info)


(if you are a Dojo member contact me offlist - I have a special rate for
members of the Dojo)

Thanks guys

(anything else you'd like to see being offered as training at the Dojo - let
me know!)

Best Regards,
Donna 'SnowWrite' Snow
Office Manager, Hacker Dojo

Owner, C2E Training
illuminating your path to Open Source
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