[Baypiggies] [RECRUITER] Finding work

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Thu May 21 06:09:36 CEST 2009

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Elan <elan.martinez at gmail.com> wrote:
> Excellent jj (mr. moderator)!  I think this can work.
> BTW, to be clear I want to encourage EVERYONE to contribute and not just
> recruiters, especially since my guess is that most fee-based recruiters
> (definitely not all) will be reluctant to contribute if they are not getting
> a fee or if they feel paranoid about other recruiters "stealing" leads or
> contacts.  My comment to those recruiters... if you have a strong client
> relationship there's no reason to worry, and remember you do not have to
> include any clients you are currently working with.  If everyone chips in to
> do what they can we will all benefit in the long run.
> So jj and everyone else, I would love to start this all off immediately but
> I'm going to wait to post my leads until tonight.  I have a couple of
> stealth co's in S.F. that I would like to list, but need to confirm that
> they are still actively hiring python engineers, who I can list as
> preferred contacts and also how much I can divulge about the companies.  I
> also have a couple fo non-stealth co's based in S.F. that I will post but
> need to confirm the same info.  Please, to those who may post before me, do
> the best you can to provide current and relevant information to the job
> seekers in this community.

I'll second that.  Here's my hint to the recruiters of the world.  I
don't really care who the VCs are or where the CEO went to college.
Sure, I might want to know those things eventually, but first I want
to know:

a) What technologies does the company use?
b) Where are they located?
c) Can they afford to pay me a decent salary?
d) What positions are they hiring for?

After knowing those things, I'll want to know:

e) Is this a sweatshop?
f) How does the company develop software (fast and dirty?  agile?  clueless?)?

My $0.02,

In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things
with great love. -- Mother Teresa

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