[Baypiggies] Beautiful Documentation with Sphinx

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Sat Mar 7 04:33:53 CET 2009

There was an earlier thread where I was struggling getting Sphinx  
setup so I could test how my documentation of code in rich text would  
look both in code and in documentation tools like Sphinx. Jim even  
suggested I bring this as a newbie nugget. I'm still struggling and  
learning. But, there is a tech talk at the Py4Science group in Berkeley:

This came from a recent posting from Paul Ivanov (from Py4Science).  
The meeting is this next week:

The py4science group consists of a bunch of UC Berkeley users who are
interested in using, learning about and developing Python-based tools
for scientific research. While our initial focus was in projects useful
to neuroscience (the group was started by fellows from the Redwood and
Helen Wills neuroscience institutes on campus), we hope to bring
together a wider audience of users on campus from all disciplines.

Next meeting: March 11th. Fernando Perez: creating intelligent and
beautiful documentation with Sphinx.

All meetings are held on Wednesdays at 4pm, 508-20 Evans Hall, every two

Please see the website for a summary of past topics covered, as well as
information about the listserve.


Paul Ivanov

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