[Baypiggies] Pylons/Web-focused meet ups in Bay Area ?

Harry Tormey slander at unworkable.org
Mon Jun 8 22:47:26 CEST 2009

Baypiggies has put on some fantastic big name talks and is a great
event for meeting people/networking. 

However its scale (20+ people) does not lend itself to small group
discussions where an idea can be developed. PyGameSF fills this role 
but its focus is on multimedia projects and not strictly web frameworks.

I think there is a hole in the market for a smaller (less than 15
people) more hackathon oriented Meetup for python web frameworks,
where developers who write apps with different frameworks can meet to
compare notes and perhaps collaborate on projects.

On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 02:41:34PM -0700, Niall O'Higgins wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering if there are any existing meet-ups focused on
> Python-based Web technologies, e.g.  WSGI/Pylons/Django/TurboGears in
> the Bay Area.
> Ideally this would be a forum for people to present their work,
> share knowledge and collaborate.
> If there aren't any already, I would be interested in starting such a
> group.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Niall O'Higgins
> http://niallohiggins.com
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Harry Tormey
Co Founder P2P Research
Founder PyGameSF
Software Engineer Digidesign

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