[Baypiggies] [RECRUITER] Finding work - Company: MochiMedia (S.F.)

elan.martinez at gmail.com elan.martinez at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 22:58:02 CEST 2009

Hi Bob- just to clear the confusion, I was not posting your company as a place where I recruit for currently. If you had seen the original thread, this thread was meant as an informational resource for companies who use python, and I in no way was suggesting that I represented Mochi Media.  (There is a seperate JOBS postng area for companies reps or those representing your comapny to  post jobs).   In my posting you will see that I suggested to anyone interested in Mochi to apply directly at the company site.  I only offered up myself as an additional informational for anyone who may have wanted some additional insight.

So apologies for any confusion.


------Original Message------
From: Bob Ippolito
To: Elan Martinez
Cc: baypiggies at python.org
Sent: Jun 2, 2009 13:23
Subject: Re: [Baypiggies] [RECRUITER] Finding work - Company: MochiMedia (S.F.)

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Elan <elan.martinez at gmail.com> wrote:
> Company: MochiMedia (www.mochimedia.com)
> Location: S.F. (Mission St. between 1st and 2nd St.)

I don't know what Elan is thinking but they are not currently
authorized to recruit for Mochi Media. In early 2008 we had used a
recruiting firm that Elan was associated with, but we are not
currently retaining their services and do not have any agreement with
Elan to my knowledge. Please ignore this posting, sorry for the noise.


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