[Baypiggies] [ANN]C2E Training: Creating Plone 3 Skins and Custom Views

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 18:53:23 CET 2009


Whether you are the webmaster for a large organization using Plone or an
independent contractor, learning how to customize the look & feel of a Plone
site is a vital skill. As a long time integrator of Plone I'd like to share
with you all the tips and tricks of customization. Therefore I am holding a
three day session March 18 - March 20th, 2009 focusing on creating a Plone
skin product.


This session is geared towards designers and integrators and the focus will
be steps to creating a skin product. You'll get the most benefit out of this
session if you have some html/css background and are comfortable with the
command line.

Please reserve your seat soon and pass the word (if you know anyone needing
assistance with Plone skinning).

Best Regards,
Donna M Snow, Principal
C Squared Enterprises
illuminating your path to Open Source
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