[Baypiggies] Scraping slides and code

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at asheesh.org
Mon Jan 12 10:55:58 CET 2009

I had a great time talking about scraping Thursday night!

I promised I'd send out my slides and code, so to that effect I've written 
http://www.asheesh.org/note/preso/baypiggies-jan-8.html .

I was really happy to have such an active audience. Thanks to everyone who 
came! And it's great that the talk was recorded.

I can post some code samples of using Selenium RC on the list too later; 
I'm sorry that I didn't get that part of the presentation polished up in 
good time. I will surely have it done before PyCon. Thanks again for being 
so patient with me!

And as I said, if people are having trouble applying these concepts, just 
ask for help, preferably on the Baypiggies list.

-- Asheesh.

Your goose is cooked.
(Your current chick is burned up too!)

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