[Baypiggies] video tonight (I volunteer/need camera)

Jeff Younker jeff at drinktomi.com
Thu Jan 8 23:17:41 CET 2009

On Jan 8, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Paul McNett wrote:

> Glen Jarvis wrote:
>> Thanks to Doug Sims, I am bringing a camera to the meeting tonight.  
>> If we have permission to record (and I expect we will), I will  
>> record the meeting, edit it for streaming, and provide the Video to  
>> the group.
>> I don't have an external microphone (although the camera supports  
>> it). So, the audio may be bad. We may need to look at that in the  
>> future depending upon how well the audio records for this event.
>  an audio mixer (which I may be able to also loan, I have to check)  
> and into the camera.
> Each transmitter/receiver pair needs fresh 9-volt batteries before  
> each recording (don't want them fading out during a recording), so a  
> Cosco trip would be in order for a large pack of them.
> Problem is: I can't make tonight's meeting, and haven't been able to  
> make a meeting in quite a while. So, if someone wants to get close  
> to Hollister on the way, maybe I could meet you to hand off the mike?

I have a mixer that I can indefinitely loan, but I'll have to dig it out
of storage, so it won't be available until the next meeting.

- Jeff Younker - jeff at drinktomi.com -

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