[Baypiggies] [Training] 1/2 Price sale on seats at C2E Training for March 18-March 20, 2009

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 00:47:52 CET 2009


Only a few weeks away from our 3 day session on skinning Plone sites. We've
slashed prices due to the economic climate and the fact that we really want
to fill this class :-)

This is a 3 day session focused on learning how to customize a Plone 3 site.
We have experience with both Plone 2.5 style skinning and Plone 3 skinning
so we can address your questions in regards to older versions.



(students who have purchased tickets at the higher price will be

(Don't use Plone or not interested in training at this point, please pass
this on to associates, universities, or companies you know that do use
Plone, thank you!!)

Best Regards,
Donna M Snow, Principal
C Squared Enterprises
illuminating your path to Open Source
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