[Baypiggies] [python-190] New Meetup: Saturday "lightspeed-prototype" lab -- on Social Network with python/Django

Victor Xiangdong Huang huangxd at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 31 03:35:53 CET 2008

Hi, Baypiggies,

I am here forwarding you a meetup on Saturday -- a Lab event as below FYI. -- Victor.

What: Saturday "lightspeed-prototype" lab -- on Social Network with python/Django

When: November 1, 2008 1:00 PM

Where: 21265 Stevens Creek Blvd Ste 202, Cupertino, CA 95014

Meetup Description: Come! Entrepreneur and engineering prototypers!

With your laptop or even merely your stormy Biz-Thinker Brain -- the better computer -- and have best fun on every Saturday -- start from (11/01/2008) and on!

Hey! Let's team up our dreams! Let's build & create our social network lab! We bee-sneeze (business) better -- in our Saturday honey hive!

In Coffee Society we taste our old coffee, create new society ! We sandbox our future society -- with Python/Django social apps like Hotclub & Pinax!

With pouring in sandplay of prototypes and smashing-and-reforming playdough of Python/Django with our own hands, we handshake our friendship, resonate our desire to create, model the future ideal social network!

It's half day event, if someone's willing, we can stay longer & co-play until 11:00 PM in the midnight. We don't have free coffee sponsorship so far, but I believe prototypers can live with it. :)

The environment is casual & comfortable. Seats are highly limited, please reserve ASAP.
I put the meeting address below for your convenience of copy-paste into direction box for Google-map or yahoo map:
Ste 202,
21265 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014

Learn more here:

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