[Baypiggies] Plone - Kupu: How do I disable the automatic click to edit?

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at asheesh.org
Fri Jun 20 01:34:13 CEST 2008

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, Ken Seehart wrote:

> Kupu has an annoying feature that goes into edit mode instantly when I 
> click in a document.  This is annoying because often I am just reading a 
> document, and I want to copy and paste something, etc.  The obvious 
> answer of turning off edit permission won't do, because I might also 
> want to edit sometimes.  I just want editing to be explicit, i.e. an 
> "edit" button.

c.f. http://universaleditbutton.org/Universal_Edit_Button !

-- Asheesh.

Opened for inspection.

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