[Baypiggies] Free three month PDF subscription to Python Magazine

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 01:47:54 CEST 2008

All official users (you know who you are) know how to greet me at the
meetings in person and share with me the exalted secret handshake.
Everyone who doesn't do this (such as Glen) is assumed to be a Perl


P.S. I'm just kidding ;)

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:
> I need to defer this to those on this list who are much more knowledgeable
> than me. However, just being on the list and responding is what I believe
> 'membership' is. If someone, five months from now, sees a posting online,
> has never received or responded to a BayPIGgies email, but yet emails me
> personally and says "I want the subscription," I'll have to politely
> decline.
> As far as I understand it, hearing this communication and responding is all
> the 'membership' that we need. Also, I've never heard of anything more
> 'official' or of any fees. I may have used poor language and confused the
> issue by using words like 'official.'  I'm sorry and hope it doesn't add
> concern or confusion.
> Gheni Abla, I've added you to the list who get the subscription (although
> you still need to go to their website per the earlier emails, if you haven't
> already).
> Warmest Regards,
> Glen Jarvis
> --
> 415-680-3964
> glen at glenjarvis.com
> http://www.glenjarvis.com
> "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi
> On Jul 30, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Gheni Abla wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is there any membership fee involved to be a "official member" of this
>> list?   I can't attend monthly meetings since I live in San Diego. But I
>> like to be in this mailing list to enjoy the discussions.  I've just
>> realized that I am belong to "people who just lurk on the list" category :).
>> Is there any thing I can do to be a regular member?
>> Thanks.
>> --Gheni Abla
>> Glen Jarvis wrote:
>>>>> JJ may override this, but baypiggies was deliberately set up as a
>>>>> public
>>>> list, and I don't think that's likely to change.  As a general rule, the
>>>> python.org admins refuse to remove archived messages, so that's not an
>>>> option.
>>> Thanks for the feedback. Still archiving is okay. I've gotten a huge
>>> number of requests. My time is so limited, but gatekeeper I am now. It's
>>> good karma -- And, it's not like BayPIGgies hasn't been incredibly awesome
>>> to me whenever I've needed help.
>>> This can be archived, I'll just to have explain (in a nice form letter if
>>> I get too many requests), that this was a special offer for three months
>>> only and for members of BayPIGgies (even people who just lurk on the list).
>>> Warmest Regards,
>>> Glen Jarvis
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> Baypiggies mailing list
> Baypiggies at python.org
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It's a walled garden, but the flowers sure are lovely!

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