[Baypiggies] Python magazine code

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Tue Jul 29 04:03:16 CEST 2008

    I believe we spoke a few times about articles in Python magazine.  
I'm writing today regarding a special promotion for the BayPIGgies  
listserv group. I personally would like to purchase a paper  
subscription to the magazine. However, I am a member of BayPIGgies and  
have heard several other members who were very interested in the offer  
previously mentioned (three month free PDF subscription to the  
magazine). If we can work out the details of this agreement, I'd like  
to order the magazine but make certain members of BayPIGgies can also  
get the three month PDF subscription.

    Any help you can give us in this matter would be greatly  

Warmest Regards,

Glen Jarvis
glen at glenjarvis.com

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi

On Jul 28, 2008, at 6:15 PM, Tony Cappellini wrote:

> Is this what you're looking for?
> Doug is the new Editor in Chief of Python Magazine
> ===================
> Doug Hellmann doug.hellmann at gmail.com
> Mon May 19 15:11:11 CEST 2008
> Python Magazine would like to offer free 3 month PDF subscriptions for
> members of Python user groups.  If you participate in a user group and
> would like to take advantage of this offer, drop me a line and I will
> give you the details.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> --
> Doug Hellmann
> Technical Editor
> Python Magazine

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