[Baypiggies] OLPC XO Shipping

Alex Martelli aleax at google.com
Wed Jan 16 19:01:40 CET 2008

On Jan 16, 2008 9:54 AM, Charles Merriam <charles.merriam at gmail.com> wrote:
> Oddly, the people who ordered on day 2 of the offer received their
> laptops first.
> A number of people are still waiting, with increasing levels of ire.
>  Most of these are due to
> problems with delivering the laptop, e.g., a P.O. Box instead of a
> street address.
> Have you tried tracking your order at http://www.laptopgiving.org?

I've tracked my order via fedex and it "bounced" on Dec 20 from San
Jose (??? the order was supposed to come to my address in Palo Alto --
no PO box, nothing strange) because of "unknown address" or s/thing
like that.  No luck getting any further notice from the OLPC support
folks ever since then.


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