[Baypiggies] OLPC get-together at SF-State Saturday, 20080112

jim stockford jim at well.com
Fri Jan 11 17:43:57 CET 2008

(note that Charles Merriam is hosting a similar OLPC get-together
in Saratoga this saturday, too.)

Calling all San Francisco Bay Area OLPC enthusiasts! If you have an XO
laptop, or are just interested in seeing how they work, come on down to
SF State campus for a get together this Saturday. If you have an XO or
two (or ten), bring them! If not, bring your enthusiasm.

What: OLPC meet at San Francisco State University

Why: Curiosity, strength in numbers, plain fun!

When: Saturday, January 12, 2008 from 10am to 2pm

Where: Burk Hall 352, SF State main campus (1600 Holloway Ave. San
Francisco, CA 94132).

Map: http://www.sfsu.edu/~sfsumap/

By car: http://www.sfsu.edu/~parking/directions/main_campus/car.html

By Muni: http://www.sfsu.edu/~parking/directions/main_campus/muni.html

Who: Sponsored by IMSA Student Association (http://imsa.sfsu.edu). RSVP
would be appreciated. sverma at sfsu.edu

Same announcement on the web at http://opensource.sfsu.edu/node/445

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