[Baypiggies] looking for locations

Robert Stephenson rstephe at sun.science.wayne.edu
Mon Dec 29 22:56:05 CET 2008

The Tech Museum in San Jose would be available for the Jan. 8  
meeting.  Unfortunately future meetings won't work b/c the museum will  
revert to its normal 5 PM closing time once the Leonardo exhibit ends  
on Jan. 23, but we would be honored to host BayPIGgies next month.
- Rob

On Dec 29, 2008, at 11:49 AM, Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:

>> i think because of the (re)start of the SF group, that BayPIGgies  
>> will
>> prefer to remain in the south bay, but i'll let the membership chime
>> in if there are any biases.
> I think Wesley's right.  Besides, my experience is that a bunch of
> people get really grumpy whenever we start talking about holding
> meetings further north.
>> Another thought might be to get baypiggies a 503c (non-profit)  
>> status, that might make it
>> easier to get space as the companies could (maybe?) write off the  
>> expense as tax
>> deductible?
> Interesting idea.
> -jj
> -- 
> In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things
> with great love. -- Mother Teresa
> http://jjinux.blogspot.com/
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