[Baypiggies] looking for locations

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Mon Dec 29 19:34:05 CET 2008


Just when I thought I understood all the options, I missed another.  
I'm sorry!

Here's a summary of all of the leads we were following-up on.. Did I  
forget any more?

* Nokia
* Computer History Museum in Mountain View
* Mountain View City Hall (100+/no projector)
* Round Table Pizza in Santa Clara (backup plan)

Also, please let me know if you wouldn't mind a search in San  
Francisco.. I am fairly certain I could find us some space in the city  
(like SF Public Library Meeting rooms). But, I don't want to go  
through the energy if it's already a "no thanks"....  Or, if there is  
a chance we can get one of the leads above.


glen at glenjarvis.com

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi

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