[Baypiggies] Ajax course at Foothill College

Elaine lavendula6654 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 27 00:16:44 CET 2008

If you would like to learn AJAX, Foothill College is offering a course starting Thursday evening, 8 Jan 2009. It will be at the Middlefield campus Thursday evenings until March 26. The course is designed for students who are already familiar with some type of programming. Here is the course description:
COIN 71 – 5 units

JavaScript is used to create highly interactive websites that function like desktop applications. You will learn to write advanced JavaScript programs that request data from the server "on the fly", and you will learn to use an existing framework to implement a complex design. Software engineering principles will be stressed, including separating the content from the presentation, programming style and documentation.
Prerequisites: HTML and introductory JavaScript.
If you would like to sign up for the class, please register beforehand by going to:
If you do not register ahead of time, the class may be cancelled!
If you have questions, you can contact the instructor at:
haightElaine at foothill.edu


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