[Baypiggies] Demos opportunity [Re: Program for the Future Conference - Dec. 8-9]

Robert Stephenson rstephe at sun.science.wayne.edu
Sat Dec 6 02:57:00 CET 2008

Do you have a collective intelligence tool you would like to demo next  
Monday evening?  Would you like a chance to show your stuff to Alan  
Kay, Andy van Dam, Doug Engelbart and others?  Would you like to  
attend the Program for the Future Conference for $75 (instead of  
$275).  Send an email describing your tool, mashup, etc.  to rstephenson at thetech.org
- Rob

On Nov 30, 2008, at 8:25 PM, Robert Stephenson wrote:
> This conference may be of interest to some BayPIGgies.  We are also  
> looking for volunteers and demos of collective intelligence tools.
> On Dec. 8-9, The Tech Museum in partnership with the MIT Museum will  
> sponsor a major conference and design challenge entitled Program for  
> the Future. Its goal is as ambitious as its title. The Program for  
> the Future is about tools that improve our collective intelligence,  
> and is inspired by the vision of Doug Engelbart -- the man who  
> invented the computer mouse, graphical user interface and pioneered  
> the concept of networked computers -- to harness technology to  
> augment human intellect and improve our ability to work together.
> On December 8 and 9 we'll hear from some of today's most provocative  
> speakers, then brainstorm ways to enhance our capability for problem  
> solving, decision making, knowledge organization, and planning in  
> every field of human endeavor.
> Featured Speakers
>     * Professor Thomas Malone, Founding Director, MIT Center for  
> Collective Intelligence
>     * Professor Hiroshi Ishii, Associate Director, MIT Media  
> Laboratory
>     * Peter Norvig, Director of Research, Google
>     * Andries van Dam, Professor, Brown University
>     * Alan Kay, President, Viewpoints Research Institute
>     * Steve Wozniak, co-founder, Apple Computer, Inc.
>     * Dr. Peter Friess, President, the Tech Museum of Innovation
> For more information, see the conference program or this blog  
> post.   There is an early-bird price through this Monday, Dec. 1  
> only and members of SD Forum, Berkeley alums and some other groups  
> get a special rate.  There will also be free registration for  
> virtual participants, and a special rate for those who wish to  
> volunteer to help with the 2-day event (the volunteer signup will be  
> announced on Dec. 2).  To register, go to programforthefuture.org/ 
> registration.  Information about the design challenge that  will  
> launch at the conference is attached.  I hope to see some BayPIGgies  
> at the Program for the Future!
> - Rob Stephenson
> please send replies to rstephenson at thetech.org


Robert Stephenson
Curator, The Tech Virtual
The Tech Museum of Innovation
San Jose, CA, USA

1 408 795-6162
rstephenson at thetech.org
AIM: rstephelearn, Yahoo!: rstephemi, MSN: rstephemi, Skype: rstephe
SL: Stephe Roux
SL/TG: Copernic Heliosense

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