[Baypiggies] Newbie-ish type questions...

Paul McNett p at ulmcnett.com
Wed Apr 23 18:59:34 CEST 2008

Chad Netzer wrote:
> * Note - I have no idea how isSequenceType() deals with iterators or
> generators...  Does someone have a few moments to test this?

I was unaware of the operator module - thanks!

 >>> import operator
 >>> l = [1,2,3]
 >>> i = iter(l)
 >>> g = (item for item in l)
 >>> print l, i, g
[1, 2, 3] <listiterator object at 0x6c590> <generator object at 0x6db70>

 >>> map(operator.isSequenceType, (l, i, g))
[True, False, False]

This is with Python 2.5.2.


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