[Baypiggies] bayPIGgies meeting Thursday 11/08: Concurrency in Python

jim stockford jim at well.com
Fri Nov 2 02:22:16 CET 2007

bayPIGgies meeting Thursday 11/08: Concurrency in Python

Shannon -jj Behrens (with help from other, more brilliant
engineers) will present an overview of various approaches
to concurrency with aspecial emphasis on network servers.
Come find out how stacks, locks, and callbacks each
provide their own challenges!

Location: Google

bayPIGgies meeting information:

Please sign up to have your google access badge ready:
(no later than close of business on Wednesday.)


..... 7:30 PM ...........................
General hubbub, inventory end-of-meeting announcements,
any first-minute announcements.

..... 7:35 PM to 8:45 PM ................

The Talk: Concurrency in Python

..... 8:45 PM to 9:00 PM ................
Mapping/Random Access

Mapping is a rapid-fire audience announcement of topics
the announcers are interested in.

Random Access follows immediately to allow follow up
individually on topics of interest.

..... The December Meeting  ................

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