Rick Kwan kenobi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 16:29:16 CET 2007


There are a bunch of scientists and engineers in NASA Ames, Lockheed
Martin who probably would be interested in this, but are fairly
clueless about Python.  I know it's not a newbies night topic, but I'm
inclined to invite them.

A lot of NumPy work originates from NASA Goddard, which oversees the
Space Telescope Science Institute, which oversees Hubble, which was
built by Lockheed Martin in Sunnyvale.

--Rick Kwan

On 3/19/07, Stephen McInerney <spmcinerney at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, but could we please have a quick ballot +1 / 0 / -1
> on how interested people are on the topic of SciPy/NumPy?
> There are tons of good people on SciPy list.

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