[Baypiggies] Pyop

Marilyn Davis marilyn at deliberate.com
Fri Mar 2 03:50:54 CET 2007

Hi JJ et.al.,
----- On Wednesday, February 28, 2007 jjinux at gmail.com wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I'd like to avoid any more discussion about the Pyop mailing list.
> The fork is happening, so there's no use crying over spilled milk.

Well, not necessarily.

I think we're still in position to withdraw the new list if JJ would like to institute democracy here.  JJ?  How about it?  How about adopting and adhering to the PyOP rules here?  Or something like them?

After all, the only benevolent dictator is the one who creates democracy and steps down.

I can't help saying that I'm amazed that you keep talking about the name of this list, after decreeing that discussion of the name should stop.  

But, since discussion about the name seems to be open to new material, I'll add that my worst association with "pig" is a "bullying, unthinking, mean cop".  When I've seen the admin for this list announce a rule with threats of expulsion rather than simply asking for cooperation, it does remind me of this meaning for word.  And I'm saddened because the dominant/submissant model is being perpetuated among my friends and colleagues.

Back to democracy, when I was in 9th grade in suburbian LA, we were required to take a "civics" class.  There was material about the structure of our government, but also about Robert's Rules of Order, and specifically, how to start and run a club using these rules so that the club can flourish. We were required to join a club, with extra credit for starting a club.  I did start one and I remember I didn't like the name of that one either.  The name was decided according to Robert's Rules.  I think the name was "Adorians" or something way too cute.  We were all girls.

I understand that Robert's Rules were deleted from the required curriculum long ago.

Too bad.  Lacking this sort of experience, we are complacent about being under the thumb of a dictator, or a President who stole the election with fraud.

I suppose this is my last-ditch-effort to keep the list together.


p.s. When is the ETA for the announce list?

> Let's move on to talking about something interesting, like what you
> learned at PyCon.
> If you have anything more to say about Pyop, feel free to send it to
> me off list.  The Pyop people should feel free to speak more about it
> on their list.
> Note, this does not mean I have any ill will to anyone on the Pyop
> list.  Rather, I just want people to start talking more about Python
> because I know that will make the majority of the users on this list
> happier.
> Best Regards,
> -jj
> --
> http://jjinux.blogspot.com/
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