[Baypiggies] new web application framework.

Keith Dart ♂ keith at dartworks.biz
Thu Mar 1 02:51:45 CET 2007

Shannon -jj Behrens wrote the following on 2007-02-28 at 16:46 PST:
> No insult, but it just makes me very sad to see this wheel constantly
> recreated when clearly the functionality you want is easily achievable
> using what's already out there.  When you create another framework, it
> means that you won't be contributing to an existing framework, which
> is a net loss.

Well, I actually had considered contributing some of this to Django.
But I changed the development paradigm too much.  It's completely
different and I don't think they would like or take the changes anyway.

And I got really tired of having to hard-code URL references and then
watch them break. 

Here's some sample code in this framework:

def reports(request, report):
  resp = core.ResponseDocument(request, title="pyNMS Selftest reports.")
  return resp.finalize()

And that, really, is all there is to producing a valid XHTML page
with a graph in it. If the plot producer handler mapping ever changes
this code will still work.

In any case, what i did comes primarily from my experience with Django
and evolution is a natural process. ;-) BTW, I still like and use
Django ORM component.


-- ------------------------------
Keith Dart
<dart at google.com>
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