[Baypiggies] new web application framework.

Keith Dart ♂ keith at dartworks.biz
Thu Mar 1 01:12:45 CET 2007

Shannon -jj Behrens wrote the following on 2007-02-28 at 15:55 PST:
> Pylons can do all of those things, without constricting you to *just*
> those things.  Welcome to the wonderful world of Web framework
> creators ;)  I'm guilty as well ;)


What I didn't like about Pylons is that embeds the assumption that
you're using threads. I don't like threads, and this framework uses
multiple processes instead. One reason for this is explained very well


I also prefer it for security reasons (having multiple servers each
running as a different user, in a different chroot). 

I also like Django style regular-expression URL mapping. But it
does not have a reverse function or mapping. My framework uses Django
style mapping to cleanly map URL paths to callables, and can also go in
reverse (provide the callable and get the URL that will get to it). 

I also don't like templates because it's difficult to guarantee
standards compliance. This framework allows you to construct pages
using pure Python code. The result is guaranteed to comply with the
selected DTD (XML bases: eg. XHTML or WML), or else fail. 


-- ------------------------------
Keith Dart
<dart at google.com>
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