[Baypiggies] Job Opporutnity - Coding Widget Server in Python

Mary Lee Stephens ml at slide.com
Tue Jun 5 21:44:56 CEST 2007

Server Coder

Slide helps you publish and discover personalized Slide shows of photos and other digital content. Launched in 2005 by PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, Slide is dramatically changing the way you express yourself and communicate with others online. Slide is used by millions of people around the world and is growing rapidly every day; our software is installed on over a million PCs around the world. 

We are looking for an intelligent, self-motivated, energetic problem-solver who likes breaking server, enjoys working closely with software developers, and can contribute his or her ideas and energy to the development of successful products. 

You should have experience developing server software in Python or some other interpreted dynamically typed language. 

You have a detailed understanding of using Unix to implement a large server application: networking, memory, storage and concurrency. 

You possess knowledge of web service technologies and protocols (Linux, MySQL, Apache, REST, XML, Ajax, etc...) 

You believe that an appreciation for elegant algorithms and data structures is compatible with pragmatism and getting cool things done. 

You feel comfortable with asynchronous network programming, server frameworks, distributed systems, fault tolerance, and scalability. 

You have a B.S. in Computer Science or related field. 

Please send resumes to jobs at slide.com and note you saw this on the bay piggies forum.  Slide is located at 612 Howard Street in San Francisco.

Thank you,

Mary Lee Stephens
Technical Recruiter
Slide, Inc.
ml at slide.com

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