[Baypiggies] [vote] name change

Rick Kwan kenobi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 04:21:24 CET 2007

On 1/30/07, Shannon -jj Behrens <jjinux at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, let's address the mother of all arguments--the name change ;)
> Instructions:
> To change the name of this mailing list, vote +1 and propose an alternate.
> To keep the existing name, vote -1.

-1.  I sorta think the current name has character. :-)

As for Usenet practice, I believe it was to send votes to a tellers
committee (or person).  At the end of the voting period, the teller
would publish the results, including lists of e-mail addresses of
those voting for and those voting against.  This allowed each voter to
verify that he/she was on the correct list, while saving Usenet (and
modem) bandwidth.  (I miss my 9600 baud compressing Trailblazer

--Rick Kwan

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