[Baypiggies] [vote] name change

Anna Ravenscroft annaraven at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 01:59:46 CET 2007

On 1/30/07, Shannon -jj Behrens <jjinux at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, let's address the mother of all arguments--the name change ;)
> Instructions:
> To change the name of this mailing list, vote +1 and propose an alternate.
> To keep the existing name, vote -1.
> Certain of our readers object to the term "baypiggies" due to the
> negative connotation.  Clearly, a better term might have been
> "baysmarties", but I digress ;)
> As we come to conclusion about the direction of this mailing list, it
> makes sense to bite the bullet and vote on whether to keep the name
> baypiggies.  As a historical note (Aahz can correct me), baypiggies
> stands for "Bay Area Python Interest Group", which makes sense.
> If we change the name baypiggies, we may (arguably) gain a name with a
> better connotation,...

I never did see what the negative connotations were, frankly. And no, I'm
not really tempted to go look it up in the archive. I suppose we could call
it BayPG. (I suspect we keep a PG rating anyways.) Of course, some of us
might be tempted to corrupt that to BayPC... ahem. I'm a big fan of
Charlotte's Web. Piggies are smart (so I'm told).
And yummy. Reminds me to thaw the guanciale for dinner.

-0 on the name change. Unless someone comes up with some awesome name, I
don't see it being worth the trouble.

It is fate, but call it Italy if it pleases you, Vicar!
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